Welcome to the Order of the Sacred Star! This Pagan/Wiccan group, based in Winnipeg, Canada, is committed to teaching the Craft to all those who wish to learn. Our goal is to provide a complete and fulfulling learning experience. Our public classes are offered through the Winnipeg Pagan Teaching Circle.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Ashling Wicca, Book One

If you're interested in exploring the vastness of Ashling Wicca, take a look at the first book in the Ashling Wiccan Series. You'll learn the very basics of this tradition and come to understand its mysteries. You also have the option of purchasing the accompanying workbook. Ashling Wicca, Book Two, is soon to be released, so your study of Ashling Wicca can continue without interruption.

From the back of the book:

Now you can study the wisdom and beauty of Ashling Wicca in the first book to ever publish its teachings. The Ashling Wiccan series reveals the mysteries and origins of this unique tradition and presents information useful for both the beginner and the seasoned practitioner. Lessons presented here include history, philosophy, and living the essence of Ashling Wicca.

Because initiation into this tradition can only be acquired under the direction of an initiated High Priestess of Ashling Wicca, this guide is presented by an expert on Ashling Wicca, a woman who has been traditionally initiated into Ashling Wicca. Here you will find the basic information necessary to begin following the Ashling path. Within this book you will find spells and the beginnings of ceremonies and the details of magick in Ashling Wicca. Everything in this book is designed to enhance your experience of Ashling Wicca.

From the back of the workbook:

Learning a tradition of Wicca requires more than simply reading a book. It requires study, reflection, and absorbing the material. This workbook is designed to help the student of Ashling Wicca to do these things. Designed as a companion to "Ashling Wicca, Book One," the workbook provides tests, exercises, journal entries, and reflections all intended to further your understanding of Ashling Wicca.

This book should be used in conjunction with "Ashling Wicca, Book One." The units in each book are identical, allowing you to easily line up the written information from the master book with the tests and other material from the workbook. Use both to get a thorough introduction to Ashling Wicca.

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