Many people wish to learn alternative ways to improve their mental, physical, and spiritual health, and these course will help to do that. All materials are included unless otherwise indicated.
Alternative Therapies
Basic Aromatherapy (02.1001)
Cost: $50
This course discusses the preparation and use of many different essential oils. Four oils, lavender, sweet orange, patchouli, and eucalyptus, are included with this course.
Floral Healing (02.1002)
Cost: $50
This course introduces the student to the use of flowers and their components to heal the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual difficulties we all face from time to time. This includes covering the use of the ever-popular Bach Flower Remedies. This course is 6 sessions long. You will receive some flower essences with this course.
Introduction to Herbalism (02.1003)
Cost: $75
Prerequisites: 02.1002
This course covers many herbs used in herbology, as well as their uses. A perfect start for those interested in herbalism. This course is 10 sessions in length. Several herbs are included with this course.
Intermediate Herbalism (02.2001)
Cost: $100
Prerequisites: 02.1003
This takes the student farther than the previous course. It will explore the uses of herbs in depth, and takes a particularly Wiccan slant. Topics include: Wicca and the Green World, Traditional Tools of the Trade, Homegrown Magick, Procedure and Terminology, Herbal Remedies and Recipes, Kitchen Witchery, Making Magick, and Plants and Their Lore. A must for all those interested in Herbalism. A selection of herbs are included throughout this course.
Introduction to Aromatherapy (02.2002)
Cost: $100
Prerequisites: 02.1001
Expanding upon the previously learned concepts, this course is a must for all those who desire to pursue aromatherapy farther than the absolute basics. This course is 4 sessions long, and includes the following oils: bergamot, geranium, eucalyptus or tea tree, coriander, frankincense, patchouli, juniper.
Welcome to the Order of the Sacred Star! This Pagan/Wiccan group, based in Winnipeg, Canada, is committed to teaching the Craft to all those who wish to learn. Our goal is to provide a complete and fulfulling learning experience. Our public classes are offered through the Winnipeg Pagan Teaching Circle.